Pile With Larssen Locks

BEREGSTAL group of COMPANIES supplies Larsen 5-UM sheet pile (Nizhny Tagil), Larsen L4, L5 Larsen, offers the rental of pile and the sell pile repurchase, produces sheet piles and trabsport own, protected by the RF patents, designs under the brand «Beregstal F-series», does heavy work and design.

BEREGSTAL  industrial Association

since 2002, it has been manufacturing metal structures of various complexity in factory conditions. The company has its own production bases in Saint Petersburg with a production volume of up to 1000 tons of construction metal structures per month. The production Association has a staff of highly professional engineers and workers and is certified by the quality management system in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001-2001.

The main product of the company is the production and sale of sheet piles under its own brand — «Beregstal F-series». The design was invented and patented at our company, and for more than 10 years has been used at the most important facilities in the city. Our branded sheet piles are manufactured according to TU 5264-001-11150010-2002. They are highly economical, completely replace the Larsen sheet pile, and have different sizes. Each sheet pile can be up to 26 meters long and weigh up to 7 tons. The design was approved and approved by JSC LENMORNIIPROEKT, JSC Inproektrechtrans, SU 417.

In addition, Beregstal PRODUCES construction metal structures:

Beregstal company has 20 years of experience in the production of metal structures for civil and industrial construction. These include Parking lots, retaining walls of pits, cut — offs, trenches, road and snow barriers, and others. And for the construction of hydraulic structures: berths, ports, embankments, shore defences, tunnels, ditches for the grillage of bridge supports and others. You can find more information about our objects on the page of objects «Beregstal»

Шпунт Берегсталь. Каталог продукции. Характеристики.
Шпунт F-серии - эффективный полукруглый профиль и надежный запатентованный замок.
Официальный представитель ESC-Pile Co. Ltd

Официальный представитель ESC-Pile Co. Ltd

Эксклюзивная поставка холоднокатанного и траншейного шпунта ESC Pile в России.
Партнер компании Евраз Металл Инпром
Поставка Шпунта Ларсена. Новый и б/у. Продажа. Аренда. Обратный выкуп. Выгодные условия.
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